The Last Girl
3.7/5 This book is a but difficult for me to review since I have been on a run of reading mediocre books so I am worried that I am...

Prison Noir
4/5 This review refers to the audiobook. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from Prison Noir going in. Were the stories actually...

The Devil's Serenade
2.5/5 In a way, there is nothing super special about The Devil's Serenade. It is a pretty typical haunted house story: woman moves into...

The Unusual Possession of Alastair Stubb
3/5 This was an entirely odd read, but not unpleasantly so. I took awhile to get into it and even after the story gripped me, I couldn't...

3/5 Strangely, I didn't love this book. It has all the elements present that should make a nice popular sociology read, but I found it...

Night Film
4.7/5 This review refers to the audio book version. The blurb to this book on Goodreads states it's a “page-turning thriller for...

Mojo Rising
1.45/5 A new instantly addictive drug hits the streets in small-town Texas and a mid-level meth dealer first feels the impact on his...

The Pit
2.35/5 This book does that thing that I hate beyond all things – instead of being just a book, it is Book One of some sort of series of...

The Dark Sacrament
4/5 The Dark Sacrament is substantially an account of 10 modern day (within the last 20 or so years) demonic possessions and exorcisms in...

Hell's Bounty
4/5 Smith, just Smith, is a bounty hunter on a mission from hell. Literally. This time his bounty is a demon who has fallen afoul of...